First Week of April 2019
- Dean returns from Nica on April 1 after encouraging our missionaries there. Pray for the continuation of enrollment of more students at our school in the Training Center.
- And pray for the start of several new projects by the Nicaraguan team by producing items that can generate income for the school and our students. We want to come alongside of them to create opportunities for them to succeed and to support themselves instead of being dependent on finances from American Christians.
- Jason returns from Kenya on April 4 so pray for his safety. While there, he hopes to have preached at a church, preached to prisoners, and handed out milk goats to some widows.
Second Week of April 2019
- Pray for Dean who leaves for Tampa/Largo, Florida on April 5 to speak at a Missions Conference at one of our supporting churches.
- Pray for Jason’s next mission trip which will probably be back to Nicaragua. The dates are not yet finalized.
Third Week of April 2019
- Pray for Jason’s son, Aaron, who is 18 and severely autistic and was recently placed in a group home. He is 18 and we are praying this will work out for him.
- And keep in prayer one of Dean and Joan’s grandsons diagnosed with RP which can cause blindness. Pray that a treatment might be found.
Fourth Week of April 2019
- Pray for Kevin Aguilar our national missionary and Field Director in Nicaragua. He continues to do a great job moving our school to a sustainable position.
- Pray also for Josue and Mario who do the lion’s share of teaching English, computers and music for Worship leaders.
- Pray for Moses Gatura, our missionary and Field Director in Kenya. He also continues to do a great job creating income generating projects to support the Grace Children’s Home.