Here is a 90 second link on our new one-day Gospel Gift Cube Seminar which we are teaching in Kenya:
And here is a testimony from Pastor Isaac, a local pastor in Kenya who we are teaching to teach other nationals through this seminar.
“Celebrate this with me! After the seminar we had on 25th of January at Redeemed Gospel Church Miumbuni where we had 23 participants, the team has already shared the gospel with 57 people, and 11 out of these believed and were added to the 6 local churches that were represented at the seminar. There has been an arrangement to make sure that there is a follow-up of the people who heard the gospel and didn’t respond at the moment. When I called them, one by the name Thomas had reached 6 and 3 out of the six believed. This is what he said and I quote, ’pastor, thank you for this thing really works’.
Thank you again. Pastor Isaac”
First Week of April 2018
- Pray for all the work needed while we deal with various government bureaucracies in both Kenya and Nicaragua. If you think things are difficult in the USA, you haven’t seen anything like in these two countries.
- Pray for Bob Hamilton who is recovering well from his past surgery. Pray that he is fully recovered and able to make his trip to Kenya in May.
Second Week of April 2018
- Pray for Bruce McIntosh and his newly printed cartoon gospel tract. Pray that it might be well used to lead many to Christ. See the link on this:
- Pray for Moses Gatura, our new Field Director in Kenya. He is doing a great job and leading many to Christ.
Third Week of April 2018
- Pray for Jason who leaves for Kenya to check on the start of our new Children’s Home. This will be his first trip to Africa so pray it all goes well.
- Pray for Dean who heads off to Nicaragua to teach at our new school and speak at evangelistic events.
- Pray for Kevin Aguilar, our Field Director in Nicaragua. He finally got our car legalized and is now working on other issues as well as overseeing the CrossWay English and Computer School.
- Pray for Gary Jones, our International Training Director. He just broke his leg and is also working on a book. Pray for a quick recovery from his broken leg.
Fourth Week of April 2018
- Pray for Dean who leaves for Belgium to attend a special celebration of retirement from the elder board for Martin Gevaert, a dear friend and fellow-worker in the Diepenbeek Church. Pray that he might encourage the believers in this country with very few evangelical Christians.
- Pray for Johni Gaitan, one of our teachers at our school in Nicaragua. He continues to keep our computers running!
- Pray for Josue Rivas, who is also one of our teachers at our school in Nicaragua.