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Will you consider giving a gift to support our widows in Sagana? We are hoping to raise $11,250 before the rains come, so that each and every one of the 450 widows we are serving in the Sagana area can start her own little “Avocado Tree Farm”. Each widow will be given 4-5 avocado tree seedlings & fertilizer to help her start her little farm.

Why Avocados?

  • Avocados are a valuable and increasingly popular crop at the market.
  • Avocados are a great source of nutrition.
  • Avocados grow very well in this area.
  • Avocados can produce fruit for 10+ years.
  • Avocado Trees are very DROUGHT RESISTANT!

As many of you know, with the recent droughts and the struggles that the widows in the Sagana area have had to endure – we have all been praying and brainstorming on how we can help them to be more secure and ready for the inevitable droughts that come from time to time.  Avocado trees were agreed to be a great solution and the widows are all very excited at the idea!


Pictured here is Beatrice Warware, one of our widow’s ministry leaders. She is 58 years old. Her husband died in 1994 and left her with three kids, but they are now grown up. She depends on her farming for her livelihood.
