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Will you pray for Bob Hamilton, our coworker, who is on the ground in Kenya right now?

Here is a list of locations and communities that Bob is visiting on this trip:

Nyeri, Sagana, Nanyuki, Ruiru, Murera, Kyamathiaka, Ikanga, Mutomo, Kitui, Wote, Kathonzweni, Makindu, Kisanju, and Kajiando!

Most of us (myself included) can barely pronounce these names, let alone take the time to visit and train local pastors in each of these areas!

Bob is teaching courses on:

  • clear Evangelism,
  • basic Bible intepretation,
  • Teaching like Jesus
  • God’s purpose in the Church,
  • a study on Galatians,

… and training Moses and Isaac and others to continue to teach these courses!

Would you pray:

  • Clarity: That the truth of God’s word sinks in deeply, overcoming any language and cultural barriers!
  • Fruit: That the teaching bears fruit in transformed lives, not just “hearers” but “doers” of the Word!
  • Spread: For faithful men who we can entrust to share with others also!
  • Strength: For health, energy and endurance fro Bob and the team, as this travel and ministry work requires much energy!