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CrossWay International
Gospel Gift Booklet Instructions

Image 1) Graphic: Gift

Image 1) Graphic: Gift

Did you know God loves you and has a special free gift for you?  This gift is to be in Heaven with Him for all eternity.

(Romans 6:23b) says “the gift of God is Eternal life!”

Image 2) Arrows Missing the Target

Image 2) Arrows Missing the Target

Before we are ready for this gift, we have to realize there is a big problem: this world is seriously messed up … and it is our fault.  None of us are completely innocent. We have all done things wrong and missed the mark of perfection, just like the arrows have missed the target in this picture. The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that all have done things wrong and come short of the perfection of God.  If God tried to bring us to heaven in our current condition, we would just ruin it.  These wrong things prevent us from going to heaven and being with God forever.

Image 3) Ladder to Heaven 

Image 3) Ladder to Heaven

This picture represents a ladder leading to God’s dwelling place in heaven, which is a perfect place.  And because God and heaven are perfect, and God will not allow these wrong things, or sins, to come into heaven. Some think it is only a matter of taking certain steps as on a ladder to get to heaven. Maybe step 1 is to try to be good. Step 2 might be going to church, and on and on.  But our ladder of good works can never go high enough.  It’s not our good works that get us into heaven, but our bad works that keep us out.  The Bible says in Romans 6:23 that the wages, or penalty, for doing wrong is death.  “Death” here refers to spiritual death, which is an eternal separation from God.  This means we will be separated from heaven and God’s presence.

See also Gal 2:16

Image 4) The Cross  

Image 4) The Cross

That was the bad news.  But this picture of the cross shows us the really good news! 1 Corinthians 15:3 says that Christ died in our place for our wrongs we commit which the bible calls sin.  You see, Jesus paid the price for all our wrongs so that we could be forgiven.  Jesus did not have to die because He was perfect.  But He chose to die out of His great love for each of us, and He paid the price for all our wrongs (sins) as a gift for us.

Image 5) Empty Tomb

Image 5) Empty Tomb

This picture of an empty tomb refers to the fact that Jesus rose from the dead, proving He was God and that He has the power to forgive all the things we have done wrong.  1 Corinthians 15:4 says that after 3 days, He rose again. 

Image 6) Multiple Choice Test:  Shovel; Shovel plus Gift; Gift

Image 6) Multiple Choice Test:  Shovel; Shovel plus Gift; Gift

Now it’s time for a test.  Which of these 3 pictures represents the basis of how someone has their wrongs forgiven so they will be allowed into heaven some day?

a) Man with Shovel: By their works? or 

b) Man with Shovel plus gift: by their works and also as a gift? Or 

c)  Gift: by a gift only?

It’s not the first picture; we can never work hard enough to earn heaven and God’s forgiveness. Romans 4:5 says clearly that forgiveness is not due to our works (such as living a good life, turning from sin, making Jesus Lord of your life, baptism, or going to church).

And it’s not the second picture of works plus a gift.  Romans 11:6 says if it is by grace (a gift), then it is no longer by works, if it were, then a gift would no longer be a gift.

The correct answer is the third picture – a free gift from God.  Trusting in Jesus Christ alone is how we have our wrongs forgiven, which allows us to enter heaven some day.  Ephesians 2:8-9 says: “For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves.  It is the gift of God, not of works so that no one may boast.”  No one can ever boast for being allowed into heaven by their works.  It is a free gift provided through Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead.

Image 7) Chair

Image 7) Chair  

So does everyone just automatically have this free gift?  What exactly is God asking you to do to have this free gift?  This picture of a chair helps us understand the answer.  The Bible says in John 3:16 that God loved the world so much (that’s you), that He gave His one and only Son (that’s Jesus), that whoever puts their trust in Him should not perish (be eternally separated from God) but have eternal life (in heaven with Him).  God wants you to do more than simply mentally understand that these things might be true.  Even the demons are intellectually aware of these facts, these truths.  He is asking you to put your complete trust in Jesus Christ, who died for your sins and rose from the dead.  What does it mean to trust someone or something?  Just as you can accept that a chair is strong enough to hold you up, it is not until you actually sit down in the chair that you are truly “trusting in” the chair.  What is doing the work?  The Chair!  What is your part?  To trust!  In the same way, God wants you to put your trust in Christ alone as the sufficient payment for all of your wrongs.  When you do that, God gives you eternal life as an absolute free gift. You become his child, and all the wrong things you have done are forgiven, which allows you to go to heaven someday.


At this point you might want to ask:

“Is there anything stopping you from putting your trust in Jesus Christ for eternal life right now?

If there is something stopping them, discuss their objections.  No need to push. Let the Holy Spirit do the convicting and guiding.

If there is nothing stopping them, and they are ready to make that decision, offer to lead them in a conversation with God, either silently in their minds, or out loud, it doesn’t matter.  This conversation should have 4 main points:

1. “I know I have done things wrong.”

2. “I know there is a penalty for these wrongs that must be paid so these wrongs will be forgiven.”

3. “And I understand Jesus Christ died in my place for all my wrongs and rose from the dead.”

4. “I trust right now in Jesus Christ alone– not my goodness or a religion, but only in Jesus.”

Image 8) Padlock

Image 8) Padlock

This picture of a padlock represents the eternal security we have in Christ.  In that way, the good news gets even better, because God says we can KNOW that we have eternal life.  1 John 5:13 says: “I have written these things to you who have trusted in the name of the Son of God (Jesus), so that you may know that you have eternal life.”  Do you know you have eternal life? We don’t have to think we do or guess that we do, but we can KNOW we have eternal life.  Not because we are good enough, but because He was. It’s not good people that go to heaven, but forgiven people. (Note: Also, you may want to quote the words of Jesus in John 10:28-29–“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.  My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.”  We are doubly secure in the hand of both Jesus and His Father.)

Image 9) Uplifted Hands Thanking God

Image 9) Uplifted Hands Thanking God 

This picture is of a person raising their hands in thanks to God, which shows how our good works fit into all this.  We do not do good works to get to heaven, but rather to tell God “thank you” for saving us.  Good works do not equal heaven.  Good works equal “thank you” to God. Reference? Matthew 5:16

Image 10) Graphic: Passing the Gift on to Others

Image 10) Graphic: Passing the Gift on to Others

This picture of a hand passing on a gift refers to how we have the privilege of sharing this great news with others.  A person can know with certainty that his wrongs have all been paid and he can go to heaven as a free gift! Since this is great news, won’t you share this today with your friends and family?  Reference? (Mark 16:15)

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