It’s A New Year! |
Hi Jason, Your Prayers Matter! Thank you so much for partnering with us! First Week for January 2019 Pray for Dean who will have a surgical procedure to clear out his sinuses and open up his nasal passages on January 4. We hope this will resolve the diminished hearing in one of his ears. Pray for Cameron Chollar, our grandson who got married on December 29. He and Libby are finishing up their degrees at Northwest University in the Seattle area. Second Week for January 2019 Pray for Dean who leaves for Nicaragua to assist in clearing up some legal issues there and encourage our 3 team members working at our Training Center (Kevin, Josue and Mario). They continue to do a great job. Third Week for January 2019 Jason leaves for Nicaragua to follow up on what Dean has done the week before. Pray that the red tape of dealing with the bureaucracy might be cleared up. Fourth Week for January 2019 Pray for Jason who is making plans to return to Kenya and also perhaps to Nicaragua in February. Pray for Moses Gatura, our coworker in Kenya. He is working hard to get the Grace Children’s Home in Sagana up and running, as well as overseeing our milk goat ministry to widows. Follow Dean on Twitter Friend Dean on Facebook Donate to CrossWay International at Contact Info: Dean Chollar Office: 1-830-249-2322 Cell: 1-210-326-3190 Correspondence: CrossWay International 14 Fabra Oaks Road Boerne, TX 78006-7901 Contributions: CrossWay International PO Box 1784 Boerne, TX 78006-1784 |
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