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Dear Prayer Partners,

Would you pray for us this week?  Perhaps even print this image and put it on the fridge or desk to help remind you?

The greatest commandment is that we love God and our neighbor, and for those of us who are married, our spouse is our closest neighbor. It doesn’t get any closer!  Our marriages are meant to be a living illustration of the mystery of God’s love for us, of Christ’s love for His bride, the Church.  We are commanded and called to love one another well in marriage.  Satan wants to kill, steal, divide, destroy, distract, … anything he can do to distort the image of God and his sacrificial love.

We have selected some couples to invest in, with the hope that what we teach them will not just make THEIR marriages better, but that they, as Pastors and church leaders and their wives, would share it with their church families and communities as well!  And may this be a sign that leads people to ask about Jesus and the miraculous transformation and love that God alone can bring!

Would you pray for:

  • John and Ruth
  • Henry and Jacinta
  • Peter and Jane
  • Timothy and Nancy
  • Isaac and Tabitha
  • Charles and Jane
  • Moses and Edith
  • Jason and Melissa

Would you pray for:

  • the physical safety of all of the couples as they travel to and from the conference
  • the safety and protection of their children, who will be in the care of their extended families
  • God’s provision of scholarships for the remaining couples (we are still praying for three $300 scholarships to cover costs)
  • preparation of all, including especially Jason, Melissa, Moses and Edith who will be leading
  • that the truth of God’s word, enlightened, revealed and empowered by the Holy Spirit, would bring healing and transformation in all of their marriages
  • that this would make waves that impact their families and communities, building God’s family and Kingdom!

We will report back soon after the conference to let you know how things went!

Thank you!
