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Kevin out of Jail! – May 2018 Prayer Calendar

By May 1, 2018November 13th, 2018No Comments

We want to thank all of you who prayed for Kevin’s release from jail in Nicaragua, after his false arrest.  He had some interesting experiences and he will share more later.  It was a cell designed for four inmates and he had 22 others with him in the cell.    

First Week of May 2018

  • Pray for Dean who returns from Belgium after celebrating the retirement of a long-time elder, Martin Gevaert, in Deipenbeek, where they helped in this church many years ago. 
  • Pray for Jason who leaves for Maryland to meet and teach a team with plans to visit Nicaragua this coming summer.
  • Pray for Debbie McIntosh, the wife of our International Training Specialist, who just had surgery for her cancer, and for a quick recovery.   

Second Week of May 2018

  • Pray for Kevin Aguilar, who is now back home after 4 days in Jail on a bogus charge and for the many families who lost the lives of students during the protests against Ortega in Nicaragua last month. 
  • Pray also for our other two teachers in Nicaragua, Johni Gaitan and Josue Ruiz, who did a great job securing Kevin’s release from jail.

Third Week of May 2018

  • Pray for Moses Gatura, our Field Director in Kenya.  He continues to share the Gospel in many communities using the Jesus film.
  • And pray for the Children’s Home we hope to start soon, and the needed funds to get the water well finished.

Fourth Week of May 2018

  • Pray for Dean who may be gone again on another mission trip.  The incarceration of Kevin put some of his plans on hold.  So he will probably be going back to either Nicaragua or Kenya this week.
  • Pray for Gary Jones, our International Training Director, who is working on his book of evangelism lessons based on fly fishing.
Dean Chollar

Dean R. Chollar, Jr. is the founder of CrossWay International and serves as “Pastor at Large”. After many years of being CEO and traveling the world (over 50 countries) to develop and oversee ministries, he has officially handed the leadership baton to his son, Jason. He serves in an advisory role and is devoted to prayer and the word (Acts 6:4), praying for people and developing devotional materials as he meditates on scripture. Find links to Dean’s Bio and Story on the "Our Team" page, in the "About Us" menu. You can reach dean at: