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March 2016 Prayer Calendar

By March 3, 2016No Comments

MARCHing on! Prayer Calendar for CrossWay International – Dean and Joan Chollar and our Team – March 2016
First Week of March
• Dean returns from Virginia on February 29 just in time to leave for Florida on March 3. Pray for safety on his travel schedule on 6 trips in the next 3 months to Florida, Maryland, Ethiopia, Liberia, Seattle and Kenya.

Second Week of March
• Pray for Jason Chollar who was asked to preach at one of our supporting churches in Kansas. This church is the first church which took us (the Chollar family) on as missionaries and Jason and I visited it together back in 1984 when Jason was only 9 years old.
• Pray that the Lord will raise up the needed monthly support for Jason now that he has left his full-time position on the pastoral staff leading worship at Cedarhome Baptist Church.
• Pray for Dean that all will go well when he teaches the Make It Clear! Seminar and preaches in a supporting church in Maryland.

Third Week of March
• Pray for Dean who leaves for Ethiopia to teach a conference and visit our school in Meki with 200 orphans and needy kids.
• Pray for Melaku Abebe, our Field Director, who oversees this school and is starting a church plant in Addis.

Fourth Week of March
• Pray for our missionaries and Field Directors and all the national workers in various countries who work hard to open hearts for the gospel through the many projects we provide.
• And then pray that we will use these projects to gain a hearing for the gospel and then to share the gospel of Christ with them.
• And then pray that we will have time to return to these areas and train others how to share the gospel themselves to their own community and beyond.


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Check out our Annual Report at:
And for those who have an interest in helping with some of our various projects for 2016, click on these links:
* Goats for Widows project:
* Help for orphans and needy kids at our school in Liberia:
* Water wells and project for 2016:


Dean Chollar * 14 Fabra Oaks Road * Boerne, Texas * office: 830-249-2322 * cell: 210-326-3190 *

Dean Chollar

Dean R. Chollar, Jr. is the founder of CrossWay International and serves as “Pastor at Large”. After many years of being CEO and traveling the world (over 50 countries) to develop and oversee ministries, he has officially handed the leadership baton to his son, Jason. He serves in an advisory role and is devoted to prayer and the word (Acts 6:4), praying for people and developing devotional materials as he meditates on scripture. Find links to Dean’s Bio and Story on the "Our Team" page, in the "About Us" menu. You can reach dean at: