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May 2017 Prayer Calendar

By May 1, 2017October 1st, 2020No Comments

It’s May!  “May” I ask you a question?

Question:  Were you able to use any of these videos to help you become a better fisher of men? (Matt. 4:19)

1.  The Paper-folding Tool (3m37s): (Have everyone grab a piece of paper and follow along!  It’s great for kids and adults both.)
2.  The Wallet Illustration (2m41s):  (Super simple … take a wallet and a hat or napkin to cover it up with and follow along.  This is Joan’s favorite, since she trusted the Lord after seeing this years ago.)
3.  Three Things God Cannot Do (2m32s):  (Easy to remember from John 3:16, animated.)

Also for our most recent Prayer Letter on how to “chum the waters”, go to:


First Week of May

  • Pray for Dean who returns from the West Palm Beach/Miami, Florida area after visiting supporting churches and prayer partners.  And Jason, who returns from Nicaragua.
  • ?Also, pray for Dean who leaves for Newnan, Georgia several days after this trip on May 5 to speak at another supporting church.
  • ?Pray for Jazmina Caldera, she had her fourth surgery to remove tumors last month and we are waiting for the pathology results.  Also, pray for Francisco and the whole family during this stressful time.
 Second Week of May
  • Pray for Ken, our Field Director in Kenya, who continues to chum the waters by providing milk goats for destitute widows and rain harvest tanks for impoverished communities.
  • And pray for Carey Kinsolving who is taking in a team to film our work in this country next month.

Third Week of May

  • Pray for Bob Hamilton’s mission trip to Kenya to teach several Pastors Conferences and for an effective time of teaching, and for his safety.
  • Pray for Dean who is going on another trip to Nicaragua to check on the health issues of Francisco and his family.  He will also be handling some management issues and the purchase of the adjacent land to our Training Center, etc.

Fourth Week of May

  • Pray for Kevin Aguilar who continues to grow in his position as our Assistant Field Director in Nicaragua.
  • Pray also for more adequate housing for him and his family.


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