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October 2017 Prayer Calendar – Harvey & Irma Disruptions

By October 11, 2017October 1st, 2020No Comments

I had to cancel two trips due to the devastation of those two hurricanes, Harvey and Irma. (That wasn’t very polite of them!)
But seriously, we are praying for those of you that are still suffering from the aftermath.

Our daughter, Bethany, lives in the middle of Florida.  She posted on her Facebook page on September 26: “I was prepared for the damage to our house and property from the hurriance.  What I was not prepared for was how long it’s taking for life to resume to being normal after! Just can’t seem to catch up with everything.”  And we also see on Facebook how some of you (including a cousin of mine” lost so much and are still praising God!  So we praise God with you and thank Him for you.

First Week of October 2017

  • Pray for Jason who left for Nicaragua on Sept. 26 and will be handling management type issues in Nicaragua and returning on October 5.
  • Pray for Dean who will also be in Nicaragua during this week and returning on October 8. We have a lot of work to get the CrossWay Tech School up and running, by setting up some beta classes.
  • Pray for Francisco Caldera, our Field Director in Nica, who is fighting a good fight with all the health and financial issues for him and wife, Jazmina.  She now has thrombosis in her legs and is slowly recovering.
  • And pray for Kevin Aguilar, our Assistant Field Director, who is taking on his shoulders the in-country oversight of things in Nicaragua and consulting closely with us on major decisions.

Second Week of October 2017

  • Dean and Jason head off to a Bible Conference where we have been asked to present a workshop on “Personal and Creative Evangelism”.  Pray that all goes well.
  • Pray for our teaching staff for the CrossWay Tech School in Nicaragua. Kevin Aguilar, Johni Gaitan and Josue Ruiz.  They are working hard to get all the computers and curriculum ready to go.  All schools in Nica take December and January off and start their new year the first of February.
  • Please pray for Gary Jones who is planning for a trip to Nicaragua in November and the funds needed for this trip.

Third Week of October 2017

  • Pray for our Field Director in Kenya.  In 3 months, he plans to pass the baton on to Moses Gatura, our Assistant Field Director.  He was elected to a Councilman position and will be training Moses during the this time.
  • Pray for Moses, who is a quick learner.  He is giving up his veterinarian career to become a faith missionary.  He has a wife and 3 kids so pray for his needed support.
  • Please continue to pray for our International Training Specialist, Bruce McIntosh.  He is changing his missionary focus from going on the foreign field himself to training others, and is now writing and reviewing training materials for the rest of our team members to use on the foreign field.

Fourth Week of October 2017

  • Pray for the rescheduling of various trips which were cancelled due to Harvey and Irma.
  • And pray for my next trip to Nicaragua in November to make sure the Tech School is registered and other issues are handled.
  • Say a special prayer for yourself, and know how much each of you are appreciated and heroes in our minds and hearts.

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Dean Chollar

Dean R. Chollar, Jr. is the founder of CrossWay International and serves as “Pastor at Large”. After many years of being CEO and traveling the world (over 50 countries) to develop and oversee ministries, he has officially handed the leadership baton to his son, Jason. He serves in an advisory role and is devoted to prayer and the word (Acts 6:4), praying for people and developing devotional materials as he meditates on scripture. Find links to Dean’s Bio and Story on the "Our Team" page, in the "About Us" menu. You can reach dean at: