Pray for Allen Mann and family as they travel the border between CA and
Arizona. They had a blow out on the tire of traler but all is well.
Pray for Allen Mann and family as they travel the border between CA and
Arizona. They had a blow out on the tire of traler but all is well.
Dean R. Chollar, Jr. is the founder of CrossWay International and serves as “Pastor at Large”. After many years of being CEO and traveling the world (over 50 countries) to develop and oversee ministries, he has officially handed the leadership baton to his son, Jason. He serves in an advisory role and is devoted to prayer and the word (Acts 6:4), praying for people and developing devotional materials as he meditates on scripture. Find links to Dean’s Bio and Story on the "Our Team" page, in the "About Us" menu. You can reach dean at:
hnos: pastores si hemos estado orando por ustedes y conocemos de sus actividades misioneras, somos pastores de la Iglesia Jesús la roca eterna ubicada en san benito tipitapa(nicaragua) y recientemente estuvimos en la conferencia que ofrecieron en el hotel el raizon en carretera a masaya donde al final nos regalaron una biblia de estudio a cada pastor.. deseamos mantener una comunicación amplia con su misión y cuando estén de paso por nicaragua les invitamos a que nos visiten en nuestra Iglesia.. el Señor les siga bendiciendo y les cultive muchos éxitos en sus misiones