The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree
Prayer Calendar for Dean and Joan Chollar and Team with CrossWay International
Now including Jason Chollar on our team
September 2015
We are excited to welcome our oldest son, Jason and his family to our CrossWay International Team. Dean and Jason just recently got back from their mission trip to Nicaragua together and Jason took to it like a duck to water. More to come on his involvement with our team. Please pray for Jason while he is in the process of looking to the Lord for their needed monthly support.
First Week of September
• Pray for the 96 individuals who indicated they trusted in the Lord for their salvation on this past trip to Nicaragua. Along with Dean and Jason, we also had with us Bruce McIntosh and a police officer from Pennsylvania, George Peach. We had people trust the Lord in the Police Seminar, the park, the prisons, the hospital (where we provided fans), and in the hotel where we stayed. Jason did a great job and took some of Dean's work off of his shoulders. The apple truly doesn't fall far from the tree!
• Keep Jasmina, the wife of Francisco Caldera, in your prayers too, as she goes through the treatment for her breast cancer.
Second Week of September
• Pray for Merle and Lisa Admire who will be going to Kenya on September 8 to share the gospel through our various water projects and ongoing ministries in that country. They will be visiting and providing clean safe drinking water at the Gatkima School in a rural part of Kenya and will work with our Field Director.
Third Week of September
• Pray for Dean who is headed to Ethiopia on September 15 to visit and minister in our school in Meki with 170 orphan and needy students. He will work with Melaku Abebe, our Field Director for this country.
Fourth Week of September
• As soon as Dean gets back from Ethiopia, he is headed to the greater Atlanta area to preach and present our ministry. Pray that all goes well.
• Pray for Allen Mann, who continues to take on a greater leadership role and is assuming the responsibility for our country of Liberia and our school there with 150 orphans and needy kids. He heads off for Liberia on September 21 and will also be teaching our Make It Clear! Seminar to 150 public school teachers and to a Pastors’ Conference at our Training Center in Ben Town.
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Dean Chollar * 14 Fabra Oaks Road * Boerne, TX 78006 * Office: 1-830-249-2322 * Cell: 1-210-326-3190 *
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CrossWay International
14 Fabra Oaks Road
Boerne, Texas 78006-7901
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