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Our Widows in Kenya are in crisis. Moses says “Most of the widows are really having a hard time getting a meal. I have numerous requests for food. Some have no food and are spending nights hungry”… “Right now these widows are very hungry. Nothing came from the farms. And everything has shot up. Drinking water is an issue. Rivers are drying up” … “I have never seen such a situation in my life.” Due to the worst drought in 40 years in Kenya, for 2 years in a row now (4 seasons) there has been little to no rain. Each widow has her own garden where she grows most of her food – and no rain means no harvest.

Many of you have helped in the past, such as for a season during the peak of the COVID lockdowns. We want to assure you that we are committed to NOT creating unhealthy ongoing dependence. We are always looking for ways to help in more sustainable, long term ways such as milk-goats, sewing training programs, etc. At the moment, though, even the milk-goats we have already provided are unable to provide much milk because they are hungry and there is little for them to eat either.

And so, in this time of crisis, we are asking you to pray that the Lord would provide and to prayerfully consider giving a special gift.

We have 198 widows registered,
and are hoping to raise $76 per widow in order to buy each of them:

  • one month of food (rice, beans, maize, flour, cooking oil and soap, for their immediate needs)


  • seeds for planting (maize and beans, for planting soon, right before the next rainy season, Lord willing)

for a total cost of $15,048.


We are prayerfully brainstorming on what to do in the long run, but this will go a long way towards relieving their immediate suffering during this acute crisis situation, and set them up to be able to provide for themselves again, as long as the rain starts soon.  If you feel the Lord is leading you and you’d like to give towards this project, you can donate online or send a check and mark your gift “widows”.

Checks should be sent to:

CrossWay International
PO Box 1784
Boerne, TX 78006

Because of the urgency of the situation, if you are sending a check through the mail, perhaps you could send an email to so we know the funds are on the way?

We also want to assure you that we will not only be giving these ladies physical food, but when we gather them together, we are discipling them. We read scripture and pray over them and have them pray with each other, so we are ministering to them spiritually as well, and then they, in turn, are able to give glory to God for His provision and be a witness to share the good news and minister in their communities too.

It is an honor to partner with you.

Thank you in advance for your prayers and donations!

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress
and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

– James 1:27
