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Dean Chollar

November 2013 Prayer Calendar

By October 30, 2013April 17th, 2014No Comments

Prayer Calendar for Dean And Joan Chollar and Team
CrossWay International

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Special request: We have two students at Moffat Bible College in Kenya who could really use a laptop.  If you have one sitting around or would like to donate one, please let us know. Thanks, Dean

First Week for November 2013

  • Pray for Dean as he leaves on Nov. 2 for Arlington, Texas, to participate in their mission awareness Sunday.
  • Pray for the prisoners in Tisma, Nicaragua where we have provided through one of our prayerpartners a brick oven so they can earn funds to eat.  Prisoners are not fed by their prison system and they will make bread to sell and feed themselves .  Many have trusted in Christ for their salvation.
  • Pray for Francisco Caldera, our Field Director in Nicaragua, as he gets ready to finish up, Lord willing,  one water well and start a new one, care for orphans and needy kids and prepare for mission teams to come.  Also for his quick and complete recovery from Dengue fever.
  • Pray for Robert Messier, our Director over this country of Nicaragua, and for Ann, his wife.  They are making some progress in fully funding the training center we are constructing in Laguna de Apoya but still have a ways to go.  Pray for construction team from the USA to complete this project.  And pray for Robert’s back which has some serious health concerns which may require surgery.
  • Pray for Dean as he speaks at the Kurios meeting set up by Bobby and Karin Zander in Alamo Heights on the subject of “Guns and the Gospel”.  Pray that the message will be well received and some will trust in Christ.

Second Week for November 2013

  • Pray for our Board of Directors meeting on Nov. 8 and that we continue the good success of past years and move toward self-sustaining ministries overseas.
  • Pray for Dean as he is the key note speaker on Sunday, Nov. 10, at a church in San Antonio. Pray for receptive hearts.
  • Pray for our veterans who gave so much to safe guard our freedom.  And for Major Micah Chollar (USAF) who will serve for one year in Poland without his wife and kids.
  • Pray for Merle Admire, one of our missionaries, who is making a decision on a new kind of drill for water wells and his upcoming trip to Kenya on Feb. 11.
  • Pray for Bruce McIntosh, our Member Care Director and Instructor at Pastors Conferences. He has had some health issues which is requiring him to quit his intensive counseling work in York, Pennsylvania, which may allow him to do more within CrossWay International.  Pray for this difficult transition and his support needs.

Third Week for November 2013

  • Pray for Dean as he is once again the key note speaker of a church in San Antonio and for receptive hearts.
  • Pray for Allen Mann who is speaking in Camp Verde Arizona for the Camp Verde Christian Church on November 17th.  Pray, too, for his support needs as he is at about 15 % of what he needs.
  • Pray for Gary Jones, our International Training Director, as he lines up more Pastors Conferences. He has one coming up in February to Kenya and one in April to Nicaragua. Pray, too, for his support needs as he now has a deficit in his account as a result of his very heavy travel schedule.

Fourth Week for November 2013

  • Pray for Allen Mann who will be in Payson, Arizona, speaking at a community pastors breakfast on November 25th.And on behalf of our team – Happy Thanksgiving and Thanks for making it possible to serve the Lord together with you.
  • Pray for the school in Meki, Ethiopia, with over 100 students, headed up by Melaku Abebe, our Field Director in this country.  We still need more support as we move this school to a self-sustaining position.
  •  Pray for our newest school start in Liberia and for Isaac Zoedah, our Field Director, as we now have 115 students and an urgent need for another building. We are making good progress in getting this ministry up and running.
  •  Pray for Ken Gatithi, our Field Director in Kenya, as he continues to oversee our various well projects, etc., and use them to win many to Christ. Dean will visit him on Jan. 4 and hopes to visit several of our ministries in Kenya on that trip.

Dean Chollar  *  CrossWay International  *  14 Fabra Oaks Road  *  Boerne, TX 78006  *  Office: 1-830-249-2322
*  Cell: 1-210-326-3190  *
